Jobs in the UK

There are over 5000 men and women employed in archaeology in the U.K. They contribute over £100 million to our economy each year.

Surprising isn't it? But "heritage" is one of the UK's most valuable assets. It's mainly responsible for the 31.6 million visits (to September 2006) from overseas. It also plays a part in the decisions of many UK residents to take a break within the UK.

Archaeologists used to be employed mainly in museums and universities. Nowadays, the majority are employed in what is called "Contract Archaeology". Local Authorities have to follow planning guidelines (PPG16) that mean they can instruct developers to pay for archaeological investigations before a site is developed. Most developers go to an outside contractor - just as they might go to firms of builders, architects or engineers - to get their archaeology done. There's a good list of these archaeological contractors at . Some are just one-man bands, but others are large companies employing hundreds of trained archaeologists.



The great debate on the origins of Britain's early languages has started. Find out the latest news and how you can learn more by following this link.

If you're curious about archaeology, but a total beginner, this site will show you how to find out. Here you'll find advice on good books, weblinks and courses. You can even study 'A' Level Archaeology online.

Hear the latest archaeological news from around the world, tune in to Win Scutt on BBC Radio Five Live every Tuesday morning at 3.30. Or you can listen online to the broadcast up to seven days after by clicking on this link.

Website by Win Scutt

This book by Colin Renfrew and Paul Bahn is the best textbook around. It is suitable for GCE 'A' level and degree level archaeology.