African Archaeology Websites


Grinco's Archaeology: Images from South Africa

Lepcis Magna - The Roman Empire in Africa

BANI (Base d'Anthropologie physique du Niger) French

Mali Interactive

Mystery of Great Zimbabwe

Ancient West African City of Benin

Ethnoarchaeological Research in the Ethiopian Highlands

Stone circles of The Gambia

Koobi Fora Exploration

Hadrian Baths at Leptis Magna

Tour of the major sights of the site of Lepcis Magna

Makapansgat Valley


Gebel Barkal, Nubia

Soudan (First Nubian state, 2500-1500 BC)

Exploring Nubia

The Mahas Survey Project

Archaeology in the Sudan

Neolithic Skywatchers -- standing stones and megalithic structures in the Nubian Desert

Nubia Salvage Project

Roman Africa

The Virtual Institute of Mambila Studies

Journal of African Archaeolody

African Archaeological Review

African Archaeology -- The Search for the Beginnings of Humankind

CNN - Africa losing priceless relics

Enlisting Villagers as Spies Stops Smuggling of African Art

Africa Reparations Movement -- Stolen African Treasures

Libya Rock Art

Tanzanian dig unearths ancient secret

Mission Archéologique et Ethnoarchéologique Suisse en Afrique de l'Ouest

Northeast Nigeria, Archaeological Research: Johann Wolfgang-Goethe-University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany

African Studies -- University of Pennsylvania

African and Comparative Archaeology at Uppsala University

Stone Tools from Sterkfontein

African Rock Art -- Apollo 11 Cave (ca. 25,5000 -25,500 B.C.) and Wonderwerk Cave Stones (ca 8,000 B.C.)

Africa: Continent of Origins

The Fezzan Project: Geoarchaeology of the Sahara


Over the coming weeks, these fundamental and radical theories about the ancient linguistic, genetic and cultural roots of the British people will be hotly debated. You too are invited to take part. It will be an exciting ride!


Journal of African Archaeology

African Archaeological Review

African Archaeology -- The Search for the Beginnings of Humankind

CNN - Africa losing priceless relics

Enlisting Villagers as Spies Stops Smuggling of African Art

Africa Reparations Movement -- Stolen African Treasures

Mission Archéologique et Ethnoarchéologique Suisse en Afrique de l'Ouest

African Studies -- University of Pennsylvania

African and Comparative Archaeology at Uppsala University

Africa: Continent of Origins

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Win Scutt is an archaeologist, lecturer and broadcaster based in Devon, UK.

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