Broadcasting on TV and Radio

Win Scutt is regularly to be seen and heard on TV and Radio. Currently he contributes two features on archaeology and local history every week on national and local radio, and he frequently appears on TV news and documentaries.

BBC Radio 5 Live

Win Scutt talks World Archaeology News every Tuesday morning at 03.30 GMT on the Up All Night programme on BBC Radio 5 Live.

You can listen to some previous broadcasts here:

Podcast 1aPodcast 2aPodcast 3
Podcast 1bPodcast 2b                       
Podcast 1cPodcast 2c                       
Podcast 1dPodcast 2d                       


The Late Show, BBC Radio Devon, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Jersey and Guernsey

Win is on BBC Radio in the South West every Monday evening at 22.30GMTon Vic Morgan's Late Show.

BBC World Service


In these two BBC World Service 23 minute programmes, broadcast in 2008 and 2009, archaeologist Win Scutt plunges underwater to reveal the historical and monetary wealth that lies at the bottom at the sea. And asks the question how should we protect this treasure trove?

Audio Prog 1

Audio Prog 2

BBC TV South West


Win is often to be seen on the local news programme BBC Spotlight, talking about archaeology and local history in South West England. Here he is, telling the story of Bronze Age Dartmoor to Spotlight Weather Presenter Helen McKenzie:

The Singing Archaeologist

In December 2010, Win recorded a CD of children's songs with "Out to Grass" following a successful series of live performances on Vic Morgan's Late Show on BBC Radio Devon. More...




Win Scutt

World Archaeology News was winner of the Wedgwood Press Award at the British Archaeological Awards 2006.Winner of British Archaeological Award



Win Scutt

Win Scutt diving at Caesarea, Israel for BBC World Service.


Win Scutt and Phil Harding at Stonehenge




Win Scutt in his Series 1 Land Rover while working at Stonehenge.


Ramilisonina and Win Scutt excavating at the Stonehenge Riverside Project


Win Scutt with 'Out to Grass' perform live at the BBC



The great debate on the origins of Britain's early languages has started. Find out the latest news and how you can learn more by following this link.

Title 2

If you're curious about archaeology, but a total beginner, this site will show you how to find out. Here you'll find advice on good books, weblinks and courses. You can even study 'A' Level Archaeology online.

Title 3

Hear the latest archaeological news from around the world, tune in to Win Scutt on BBC Radio Five Live every Tuesday morning at 3.30. Or you can listen online to the broadcast up to seven days after by clicking on this link.

Website by Win Scutt

Win Scutt is an archaeologist, lecturer and broadcaster based in Devon, UK.